I was born and raised in a small town in Arkansas and now reside in the great city of Austin, TX with my sweet hubby Sean and our cat, Karen. Growing up in a small town fully formed the person that I am today and I am very proud of that part of my life. I had the privilege of growing up with a mom who is basically Martha Stewart who was constantly sewing cooking and you guessed it… HOMEMAKING. I vividly remember her making me a hardboiled egg disguised as a sailboat one day for a snack! She was always doing her best to make our house cozy and a special place to grow up, full of memories, yummy food, and love.
Since day one, the creative side of my brain has been the dominant one. After receiving my Bachelor of Science Degree in Apparel Design and Manufacturing from Texas Tech University, I went on to be a clothing and product designer for 10 years, specializing in sporting goods. I’ve had the opportunity to work with brands like Century Martial Arts, Nike, and UFC and even had the privilege of designing uniforms for the 2017 Olympics in Rio under the Nike name! After relocating to Austin, I quickly determined that Interior Design (following in my momma’s footsteps) was a better route for me to take in this city, so, I went back to school to pursue my second degree in Interior Design!
I currently work in the interior design industry, but at my core, my true passion lies in homemaking. With this blog I hope to demystify what it takes to run a home and teach others how simple it really can be! I hope to help people learn to love cooking, take the overwhelm out of organizing, and show you easy ways to stay on top of things around the house. Let’s make homemaking fun! Something to be proud of! And, most of all, make those who are in our homes or visit our homes feel loved. Here is my modern approach to homemaking.